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About OCRI


In December 2017, the University of Cincinnati partnered with the Ohio Department of Higher Education and the Ohio Adjutant General's Department to explore and demonstrate the use of an Ohio Cyber Range.


Phase II of the Ohio Cyber Range leveraged the University of Cincinnati's multi-year experience of running a virtual cloud environment and the institution's distinct comprehensive approach to cybersecurity. The result: a collaboration of multiple  program disciplines, including two NSA Centers of Excellence in Cyber Operations and Cyber Defense, and ABET-accredited undergraduate program in cybersecurity, as well as several graduate programs.


Phase III began in November 2019, and continued to build on the successes of Phase II, resulting in the creation of the Ohio Cyber Range Institute at the University of Cincinnati and the establishment of our OCRI Regional Programming Centers across Ohio. 

Today, the Ohio Cyber Range Institute supports cyber awareness with a tri-part mission of education, workforce development and economic development to create greater understanding, knowledge and skills among Ohio's government entities and its citizens.




Improve Cybersecurity Education, Workforce and Economic Development​. Close the cybersecurity skills gap, build a strong workforce pipeline, and strengthen the economy and security of Ohio.




Facilitate the advancement of cybersecurity education, workforce, and economic development throughout Ohio. Leveraging an ecosystem of significant intellectual power and institutional capacity, OCRI develops and delivers original, high quality educational material, exercises, and training to Ohio citizens regardless of age, educational background, or experience in cyber research.


Ohio Cyber Range Institute

Digital Futures - Secure Cyber Lab

3080 Exploration Avenue

Cincinnati, Ohio 45206-0639

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